Why You’re Scaring Away Clients With An Inconsistent Story, And How You Can Clarify Your Brand By Learning To Say No

If you had cancer, who would you rather go to for treatment?

The Specialist: Someone who's been working with the exact type of cancer you have for the past 30 years and has an amazing reputation…


The Generalist: Someone who can “treat any type of cancer, and detail your car, and fill cavities, and help you invest in the stock market.”

The answer is clear…you’re never going to put your life into the hands of The Generalist.

The problem is that your business probably has more in common with The Generalist to than The Specialist.

Do you offer mixing, mastering, editing, producing, songwriting, AND you can even help them get on Spotify playlists?

The issue is that no one is going to put their songs into the hands of a generalist like that.

This is not the way to build your business, and it’s likely the main reason people look at your website/Facebook/Instagram and simply leave… never to return.

This week, we tackle the issue of defining your studio’s “Brand Story”, and sticking to it (even when it means saying NO to money).

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • Why your story is so important to your business
  • How focusing on a specialty is a massive benefit to your image
  • What on earth (or Middle-Earth) you can learn from Lord of the Rings
  • How being a jack of all trades will hurt your career
  • Why being unique is just as important as being consistent with your story
  • How creating and releasing music is an intensely emotional experience

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Episode Links


456 Recordings – www.456recordings.com

Chris Graham – www.chrisgrahammastering.com


The Profitable Producer Course – theprofitableproducer.com

The Home Studio Startup Course – www.thesixfigurehomestudio.com/10k

Facebook Community

6FHS Facebook Community – http://thesixfigurehomestudio.com/community


@chris_graham – https://www.instagram.com/chris_graham/

@brianh00d – https://www.instagram.com/brianh00d/

YouTube Channels

The Six Figure Home Studio – https://www.youtube.com/thesixfigurehomestudio

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The Six Figure Home Studio Podcast – podcast@thesixfigurehomestudio.com

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Graham Cochrane – https://www.grahamcochrane.com/

Donald Miller – https://storybrand.com/

Mark Eckert – https://www.mark-eckert.com/

Henry Ford – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Ford

Anthony J. Pizza – http://www.creativepeptalk.com/episodes/2019/4/9/226-beating-over-analysis-leap-into-full-time-harsh-critics-self-care-and-more


FetHead – https://www.tritonaudio.com/fethead.html

Rode Procaster – http://www.rode.com/microphones/procaster

Automatic Episode Transcript — Please excuse any errors, not reviewed for accuracy

Raise Your Rates With Confidence

This free guide gives you rate benchmarks for a number of services–including recording, mixing, mastering, reamping, drum editing, guitar editing, and more!

Also included are The 5 Rules of Free Work. Follow these five rule EVERY SINGLE TIME you do free work, and you'll set yourself up for success.

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