The Six Figure Home Studio
Oh snap! You're going to be on the show!? We can't freakin wait.
We'll do a video chat for the interview, and if possible, we'd love if you could record your own voice during the interview on a fancy mic.
After the episode, you'll be able to send us your audio file, and this will make you sound as kick-ass as possible when the episode comes out.
How do you pronounce your name?
Chris Graham's biggest fear in life is calling someone the wrong name or mispronouncing it.
Prep Questions
Do you have a mic you could use to record yourself during the interview?
Not a big deal if you don't! But you'll sound more awesome if you do.
(Nerd stuff: A large diaphragm dynamic mic like a Shure SM7b or ElectroVoice RE20 works best, but a normal condenser mic works great too!)
Yep! I have a nice mic and something to record myself with.
No mic? No worries! Do you have cheap iPhone headphones with a mic or similar?
Yes indeed!
Do you have a set of headphones you can use during the interview?
Not 100% necessary, but it will make everything sound better if your mic isn't picking up extra stuff.
Yes I DO!
Do you have a welcome we can use to video chat with?
Not 100% necessary, but it makes it easier to collaborate during the interview.
Yep yep!
Do you have a fast-ish internet connection?
Do you have a quiet-ish place to record the interview?
Background noise isn't the worst thing in the world because it can make an interview feel authentic, but it can also throw off the vibe. Totally your call.
What timezone are you in?
(GMT -12:00) Eniwetok, Kwajalein
(GMT -11:00) Midway Island, Samoa
(GMT -10:00) Hawaii
(GMT -9:00) Alaska
(GMT -8:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
(GMT -7:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
(GMT -6:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
(GMT -5:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
(GMT -4:00) Atlantic Time (Canada), Caracas, La Paz
(GMT -3:30) Newfoundland
(GMT -3:00) Brazil, Buenos Aires, Georgetown
(GMT -2:00) Mid-Atlantic
(GMT -1:00 hour) Azores, Cape Verde Islands
(GMT) Western Europe Time, London, Lisbon, Casablanca
(GMT +1:00 hour) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris
(GMT +2:00) Kaliningrad, South Africa
(GMT +3:00) Baghdad, Riyadh, Moscow, St. Petersburg
(GMT +3:30) Tehran
(GMT +4:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Baku, Tbilisi
(GMT +4:30) Kabul
(GMT +5:00) Ekaterinburg, Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent
(GMT +5:30) Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, New Delhi
(GMT +5:45) Kathmandu
(GMT +6:00) Almaty, Dhaka, Colombo
(GMT +7:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta
(GMT +8:00) Beijing, Perth, Singapore, Hong Kong
(GMT +9:00) Tokyo, Seoul, Osaka, Sapporo, Yakutsk
(GMT +9:30) Adelaide, Darwin
(GMT +10:00) Eastern Australia, Guam, Vladivostok
(GMT +11:00) Magadan, Solomon Islands, New Caledonia
(GMT +12:00) Auckland, Wellington, Fiji, Kamchatka
What time do you need to leave the interview?
Do you use "Zoom" video chat?
We record interviews over ZOOM, which is like Skype on steroids.
It's great because it also records a backup mp3 of the interview.
Yep! I have Zoom.
Naw. I need some more info on how to install Zoom.
No Zoom? No Problem!
We'll send you an email with info on that once you submit this form.
Anything else we should know?