Learn How to Create Full-Time Financial Stability From Your Home Studio
(In An Increasingly Saturated Industry)
- Do you want to quit your day job so you can focus on your studio full time?
- Do you struggle to stand out from your competitors?
- Are you willing to put in the work to achieve full time financial stability from your home studio?

Hi, I'm Brian. I've been running The Six Figure Home Studio for more than six years, and I want to be your guide through this entire process.

This Is The Beginning Of The Rest Of Your Career – Why Not Do What You Love For A Living?
You know when you happen to have a conversation with someone that seems like perfect timing? Well, that happened to me last week.
I was chatting with a struggling home studio owner over lunch, and his story was one that a lot of people will resonate with.
As this was a private conversation, let’s call him Bob. In a moment of absolute word vomit, here’s what he had to say:
“How the f*ck am I supposed to stand out from the oversaturated home studio world and get bands excited to work with me? How am I supposed to juggle a day job, a family, a studio, and a social life all while getting those 'Final FINAL MIX 3.5’ tracks to that local band who won’t stop changing their minds? All this, while somehow finding time to actually do the stuff that needs to be done to find more clients and turn my home studio into a legit business.”
The thing about Bob is that he can actually provide a better quality recording than his local competitors, but he has no idea how to find clients that are willing to pay a fair rate for his quality of work.
On the rare occasions Bob manages to find a decent band to work with, he feels like the only way to set himself apart from his competition in the area is by dropping his rates.
Even with these lowball rates he’s STILL struggling to find artists who will work with him; and the few projects Bob does win end up earning him less than minimum wage.
Once Bob actually gets a band into the studio, he's good to go. His recordings turn out great, his clients are happy, and he enjoys the process.
If any of that resonates with you, the rest of this is definitely worth the read. If not, go back to counting your massive stacks of cash, because you obviously don’t need help.
If You Ignore Your Problems, They’ll Just Multiply
The more we dig into Bob’s story – and other stories just like his – it’s easy to uncover a layer of problems that have been steadily piling up over the years.
- He started his career off in a massive hole of debt from his student loans for an audio engineering degree.
- His rates are so low that he’s basically working for minimum wage.
- His work-life balance is totally screwed.
- He has zero business knowledge or skills.
- He has zero financial knowledge.
- He has no plan.
Bob was fighting a slow uphill battle, and it was causing him to put off the things he KNEW needed to be done, which just added more stress to his life.
After working eight hours a day, he just had no energy left to ‘deal with’ the business tasks that were piling up from his studio.
His instinct was basically to ignore these problems in the hope that they would go away. Not a good idea.
This Is A Trap We Can All Fall Into
It can be so easy to cruise through life on autopilot and ignore our problems in the hope they they’ll magically disappear.
Unfortunately, the results from ignoring your problems are exactly what you’d expect from this sort of response. They don’t go anywhere and eventually they get worse.
The bottom line is this…whose fault is it?
It’s honestly not Bob’s fault. Nobody sat him down and explained how all of this works.
Nobody taught him what to do or how to get out of this cycle, and the biggest problem is he’s not alone in this.
The vast majority of us are basically just musicians who fell into this because of our passion for the studio.
Very few of us went to business school, have any sort of formal business training, or have experience running businesses in the past.
Even those who majored in audio engineering know they don’t teach any of this stuff in college.
The result is that many of the people who are fantastic inside the studio, let the “business stuff” hold them back from success.
“How are we supposed to figure this stuff out if no one is teaching it?”
There are plenty of business blogs out there, but they all talk in business jargon that sounds like another language. Why spend your time reading that when you can troll gear forums for yet another review about the newest compressor or preamp?
As creatives, it's extremely easy for us to focus on our craft and ignore the business of running a home studio.
But hey, there’s bliss in ignorance...right?
Ignorance, in this case, will lead to three major problems.
You’ll continue to leave money on the table.
You'll invite unnecessary stress into your life.
Ultimately, you’ll be wasting your own time.
Your blissful ignorance is just an invitation to more frustration, more wasted time, and a lack of meaningful progress with your studio.
Are You A Complete Trainwreck As A Business Owner?
Bob’s problem is deeper than it looks at first glance. It isn’t just that he struggles to find clients. His biggest problem is that he’s a complete trainwreck as a business owner.
He doesn’t have any sort of systems or routines in place, he doesn’t have any sort of plan in place, and he is an expert in procrastinating the 'boring' side of business.
He constantly drops the ball on projects because he has no idea how to organize his schedule properly.
His projects take three times longer than they should, which results in him constantly missing deadlines.
Bob is talented, and his portfolio is surprisingly good, but he has zero entrepreneurial skills.
By the way, would you like to take a wild guess what his studio’s income was last year?
- $5k/year?
- $15k/year?
- $100k/year? (HA!)
No, it was less than $1000 in the past 12 months. That means his studio is bringing in less than $100/month.
You could make more selling lemonade on a street corner one day per week.
It’s not just Bob, either. I talk to people like him every single week.

Two Problems Most Struggling Studios Share
Between lunch meetings like this, the emails I get every day, and the Zoom calls I’ve had with struggling studio owners, I’ve been able to peek behind the curtain of over a thousand home studios.
There are two common problems that nearly EVERYONE shares.
The first and biggest problem is that all of these studio owners want more clients.
The second problem is that all of these studio owners want clients to pay a reasonable rate.
Allllll of the other business problems are something that can be dealt with after these first two problems are solved.
Money Can’t Buy Happiness...
As Mark Cuban (the guy from Shark Tank) said: “Sales solve all problems.”
What he’s essentially saying is this: Once you have more clients you have more money, which means you’re in a better financial position to start making positive changes to your business.
Money can’t buy happiness, but it can damn sure solve most of the problems in your business.
Money buys you time, which means you can finally start tackling all of the problems in your business one by one by one.
You can finally put things into place which allow you to focus on the creative tasks that make things in your studio fun and fulfilling.
This all sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? But do you think many of the people that I talk to have the right plans in place to make this happen?
Absolutely not! But again, it’s really not their fault.
This is Where
The Profitable Producer Course
Comes In To Help
You’d like more talented clients to work with, right?
You’d like to stand out from your competition so you don’t have to work for minimum wage, yes?
Do you want to quit your day job so you can focus on music full time?
For those of you that have made the decision that this is what you want to do for a living, you’re probably nodding your head at this point.
The Profitable Producer Course has been created to help you achieve your studio goals. Here’s how it works:
- We help you find more clients.
- We make sure you stand out from the crowd in a way that allows you to charge a fair price for your services.
- We put the pieces into place to set you up for success in the long run.

What’s Included In This Course?
The Profitable Producer Course is a 3 Module Course with over 60 video lessons to help you grow your studio into a sustainable career.
The entire course is designed to give you the information, resources, and motivation that is essential to your long-term success.
60+ High-Impact Videos
These lessons have already been tested and refined with hundreds of students to ensure the videos are as clear and helpful as possible. Each lesson has been split into bite-sized chunks so you don't get overwhelmed with a flood of information. Take the course at your own pace, and really study the lessons as you apply the actionable lessons to your business.
15+ Checklists, Downloads, and Worksheets
This course also includes checklists, templates, spreadsheets, and other helpful resources that will help you clarify the most important aspects of running your business.

Module 1: Laying The Foundation For Success
We’ll start putting all of the foundational pieces into place for your studio so you can make the absolute MOST out of everything else this course has to offer.
The goal for module one will be to:
- Show you all of the pieces of technology and software you need in place to do this right.
- Teach you how to properly differentiate yourself and position your studio as a premium service so you get paid more.
- Help you organize and prioritize your day to day tasks, and month to month projects so you stop spinning your wheels feeling overwhelmed.
- Get a customer relationship management system (CRM) into place so you can stop letting money slip through the cracks. This will be your "command center" for your business from now on.
We'll also spend time determining your ideal customer avatar, so you can properly craft your studio's messaging, communication, and marketing for the rest of your career.
Module 2: Sales and Marketing For Your Studio
In module two, I’ll give you two different ways to tackle the ‘low hanging fruit’ for your studio. This will be the quick, easy wins that you’ve been neglecting, and the stuff you should be focusing on before tackling anything else.
These two things actually brought in several thousand dollars in my own studio once I implemented them. It only took me about an hour to do, and it will likely pay off thousands more over the coming months as I continue the process. This actually delayed the original beta course launch because I had to fulfill the extra mixing work I picked up using this method.
You’ll also get my system for selling your services without being sleazy or “salesy” by using two approaches that make the process completely natural. No more feeling like a pushy salesman!
Module 3: Long-Term Success & Maximization
This is all about maximizing your studio’s income, growth, and efficiency. I’ll give you a set of benchmarks that you can follow in order to help grow your business. By the end of this module, you'll have the answers to these questions:
- How many people should be visiting your website?
- How many quote requests should you be getting each month?
- How many of these quotes should result in paid projects?
- What should your average price per project be?
- How much monthly quote volume do you need to support these numbers?
- What should your average monthly income be based on these benchmarks?
Your income is directly tied to each of these numbers, so I’ll give you ways to increase each of them over time so you can take control of your weakest areas.
- We’ll also cover how to maximize the entire customer LIFETIME value (emphasis on LIFETIME).
- We’ll cover a guide to online advertising and how it can be a faucet that you can turn on and off whenever you want it.
- Finally, we’ll cover how I’ve managed to maximize my own income this year by quadrupling my hou
rly profit on every single project
“They say you are the sum of the five people whom you spend the most time with, and I'm not happy with the end result considering the people I spend most of my time with currently.”
In this module, I'll also be teaching you how to build your network online. This will be helpful for those of you who are introverted or who live in a small town, and struggle to surround yourself with like-minded people.
BONUS #1: The Social Media Mastery Workshop
If you're anything like me, you update your social media accounts maybe once or twice per month, then promptly forget about it as you focus on "bigger and better" things. Most home studio owners struggle with how to run their social media accounts effectively.
- How often should you post on social media?
- What should you post about?
- How do you get more reach with your posts?
- How do you grow your social following?
All of these questions (and more) are covered in The Social Media Mastery Workshop.
I recruited the help of Brandon Brown, a social media expert who runs a marketing team of 19 people and is responsible for more than 100 social media accounts.
The social media content his company has created has received over one billion impressions in 2017 alone, and has attributed to more than $25 million in sales for the companies he represents.
Prepare to finally demystify and clarify social media for those of us who typically neglect our social presence.
BONUS #2: The Google Ads Workshop
If you are not running Google ads for your studio, you are losing paid projects right this second. As you read this, people are out there looking for the services you offer...so how do you get them to find you?
The answer is paid advertising, and that's what this workshop (along with the Facebook Ads workshop) covers in detail.
- How Google Adwords works (the basics)
- How to set up your first google adwords campaign
- How to create a headline that converts viewers to buyers
- How to ensure your ads are being show to the right people
- How to make sure you're not paying for clicks from people who will never buy from you
There is a massive amount of demand for recording, editing, mixing, mastering, and production work, and you can use Google Ads to "harvest" the people out in the world who are already searching for someone to work with.
Even if you've tried paid advertising before and "it didn't work", don't avoid this workshop. I teamed up with my podcast cohost Chris Graham to teach us the principles and tactics he uses to successfully spend tens-of-thousands of dollars per year on Google adwords for his studio.
BONUS #3: The Facebook Ads Workshop
Google Ads may be the best way to "harvest" the people who are actively searching for the services your offer...but what about your ideal customers who AREN'T actively searching on Google?
This is where Facebook Advertising comes into play. Where Google Ads could be considered "harvesting" the existing demand, Facebook Ads are all about creating demand for what you have to offer.
Think about how it works...someone is working on new music and they'll be gearing up to record new music soon. If you can get the right ads in front of the right people at the right time, you can get a sales conversation started where you can begin the needs-discovery process (which you already learned in Part One of The Business Accelerator Workshop). From there you can guide them down The Complete Client Journey.
The Facebook Ads platform is a completely different animal when it comes to paid advertising. This is why I recruited the help of Brandon Brown for a second time on this workshop. His company has run facebook ads that have budgets of more than six figures per year.
- Learn the ins and outs of The Facebook Ads Platform
- How to choose your campaign objective
- How to choose your audience so that your ad shows to the right people
- How to use the insights and data to learn more and more about your target customer, improve your ads performance, and increase your ROI
BONUS #4: The Complete Client Journey
This invaluable one-hour workshop and accompanying 7200-word checklist is a detailed step-by-step guide that will help you through each stage of the client journey – from first contact, to happy customer, and everything in-between. It has sub-checklists, instructions, email templates, and helpful notes that will simplify your entire sales process and help bring clarity to every single stage of the client journey. This will be something you’ll likely refer back to for the rest of your career.
Ready To Enroll?

It Takes More Than Just A Dream
Remember Bob from earlier? Let’s look back at Bob’s life for a second.
He spent four years and tens-of-thousands of dollars getting his audio engineering degree.
He spent countless hours refining his craft, and has made countless sacrifices all along the way.
Do you think he has a dream to one day make a living from this? I’d definitely say so.
Unfortunately, it takes more than just a dream to make this happen.
But fortunately, you don’t need to spend $50,000 on a degree to do this.
The Profitable Producer Course can help for just a tiny fraction of that. Here are some of the things you’ll take away from this:
- More clients
- Self-confidence
- Marketing methods that actually work
- Personal and professional relationships
- Mentors
- Differentiation for your studio
- Systems and processes
But most importantly…
A plan that has been built to work for you.
The ‘build it and they will come’ method of the past is dead.
Things have changed and the world has shifted. There are no more gatekeepers who hold all of the keys to a career in recording.
This means you are now the captain of your ship, and you have to take charge of your future.
No one is going to simply hand you the keys to a six figure home studio.
So If you want to find more clients, increase your revenue, and decrease the stress of running your own business, then it’s time to step up.
By joining this course, you’ll be taking charge of your studio’s success instead of passively waiting around for clients to find you.

Brian Hood
Creator of The Profitable Producer Course
About Your Instructor
I don’t have some crazy MBA from Harvard Business School, or any sort of official certifications to teach you this stuff. Hell, I don’t even have a college degree.
I have, however, recorded, mixed, and mastered bands from all over the USA and 12 other countries.
I toured in a band for five years, playing in 44 states and eight countries, so I’ve seen the studio from both sides of the glass.
I’ve worked with more than ten different record labels, and I’ve been teaching this stuff on The Six Figure Home Studio blog for the past three and a half years. I’m also an entrepreneur who has increased his income 33% per year for the past eight years.
My studio started in my parent’s basement in 2009 with less than $5,000 (and no loans)
From there, my business grew to six figures by 2014.

It’s not just about the money, either.
- It’s about making a living doing something you love.
- It’s about taking care of the people you care about.
- It’s about gaining the respect of the doubters who didn’t take your career seriously.
- It’s about working towards something meaningful in your life.
- It’s about creating a system that allows you to do more of what you love to do.
- It’s about living life on your own terms instead of being ordered around all day every day.
- It’s about having the financial independence to do what you want when you want.
I no longer feel forced to accept every single project that comes my way. Instead, I’m able to cherry-pick the best ones and refer the others to my friends.
I no longer feel forced to work 40+ hours/week. I can actually enjoy living my life now.
I regularly end work after a half-day just to rest, cook, play video games, see a friend, hang out with my wife, or whatever else I want to do.
My wife and I bought one-way tickets to Europe for our honeymoon, and we spent 6 weeks in Southeast Asia just to take cooking classes, experience a different culture, and see things we've never seen before.
There’s zero chance any of that would be possible if I didn’t own my own business.
I’m far from perfect; I’m still in the process of growing and learning every single day.
I’m still experimenting, developing, and growing my current 3 businesses, and there’s still plenty of things left for me to learn and apply.
That’s the beauty of a good business; you never stop learning.
I want to take everything I’ve learned along the way that’s helped me improve myself as a business owner, and share it with people who have the passion and ambition to work hard and transform themselves.
Most importantly, I actually give a shit about your results.
This is the fifth version of the curriculum, and I’ve been working on it since November of 2016.
I could have easily released a half-assed online course back then, but that would have been nothing more than a cheap ‘cash grab’.
There are a lot of so-called pros shoveling a lot of useless crap to their students, and I refuse to become one of them.
I want to create something that will genuinely help people grow this businesses, and I refuse to accept mediocrity from myself or any of my students.
The Profitable Producer Course is something I can personally stand behind 100%.
The first group of students that I guided through this course (known as "The Dream Team) have been raving about how helpful it was for their business.

I want you to be the next person to change your life because of what you learned and implemented from The Profitable Producer Course.
Here are some happy home studio owners who have benefited from this program

Good Fortune Audio
I feel like this course changed me from someone who was charging people for a hobby, and turned me into someone who is running his studio as a business. This truly was the "business school crash course" I was looking for.

Black Crown Recordings
My goal was to make the money I put into the course back right after the course. It's already paid for itself several times. I was ready to make a change for the better of my business, as well as finally committing to the idea of me being a full time producer.

Polished Mix
I have gained A LOT of confidence that I can actually do this. There are so many tools Brian has shared with us that once implemented well should create a steady stream of clients. I already felt the drive to make a change in my career and needed this course to find the blind spots in my business and attitude but also to motivate me and give the confidence that I can achieve this.
Some Rules For The Profitable Producer Course
1: You Must Already Be Good at Your Craft
You don’t have to be the most amazing, most talented studio/producer/mixing/mastering engineer in the world in order to have a successful business, but you do need to have already put in the time to hone your craft. If you’re still struggling with the basics, focus on that, then join the self-paced course coming out later this year.
2: Keep It Confidential
All information shared during The Profitable Producer Course is 100% confidential and is for internal use only. Sharing confidential information with anyone other than a business partner or employee is strictly prohibited.
3: Take Action
Do not join this if you don’t plan on making use of the material. I put 110% effort into this material, and I only want those who will also be giving 110% effort to grow their own business. If you’re an "online course collector" who passively consumes content without taking action, you can go elsewhere.
Do You Have The Time To Do This?
The entire course is self-paced, meaning you can join today and go through the lessons as quickly or as slowly as you like.
If you think you don’t have any extra time to devote to your studio, 99% of the time this is a lie we tell ourselves because:
A. They're unwilling to make the necessary sacrifices we need to get where we want to be in life.
B. Their priorities are f*cked, so we binge Netflix or social media every night instead of taking steps to improve our lives.
C. The tasks aren't important enough for them to find the time.
D. All of the above
If any of these are the case for you, there isn’t much I can do to change your mind. Please don’t waste your time or money if you’re unable to devote time towards this course.
The Profitable Producer Course is for you if:
- You’re the type of person who will do what it takes to succeed, but you’re not quite sure what to do.
- You’re so incredibly right-brained(creative) that you don’t have a good grasp on what most people probably see as the obvious improvements to make.
- If you’re overwhelmed with the sheer amount of information out in the world and you need help sorting the bad from the good.
- You’re in this for the long haul (regardless of your business’s results) because of your passion for the craft.
- You understand that if you do 0% of the work, you’ll get 0% of the results.
- If you just need a few things to fall into place before you feel more like you're floating and less like you're drowning.
- If you never went to business school or have never run your own successful business before.
- If you just want a plan of action to keep moving you forward in a way that will help improve your business.
- If you can barely remember to buy toilet paper until it’s…too late.
If any of this sounds like you, this course will be one of the best things you will ever do for your studio.
This IS NOT for you if:
- You’re an “online course collector” who never takes action.
- You’re a know-it-all who can’t take advice.
- You’re the type of person who refuses to change.
- You refuse to spend time each week on improving your home studio business.
- You’re brand new to the world of recording and don’t have your craft refined.
- You think you can reach six figures by putting in less than two years of hard work.
You Have Two Choices At This Point
Take part in The Profitable Producer Course and start taking the intentional steps you need to increasing your income instead of sitting around and waiting for projects to come to you.
While that may happen from time to time, it’s time to step things up and take this career seriously if you want to make a living from it.
By now, you may have a vague idea of what you have to do and feel ready to do it. The thing is you may not know the direction to go from here.
Which Choice Will You Take?
Choice A: Keep doing what you’re doing
I’ll put this simply: Keep doing what you’re doing, and you can expect to keep getting the same results you’re getting now.
If you’re okay with those results, then it’s all good! Keep doing what you’re doing and let’s have lunch sometime.
If you’re not okay with the results you’ve been getting, then you may not want to go with Choice A.
There are a lot of ‘unknowns’ that come with this choice...
Do you know about taxes? Business entities? Depreciation? Marketing? Sales? Automating your business? Communicating with clients? Do you know how to maximize cold outreach? How to map out your Natural Warm Market? How to create your customer avatar? Do you know your KPIs or even what those are? What about finding a mentor or getting over mental roadblocks like limiting beliefs and self-confidence issues. Do you know how to perform a needs-discovery analysis on each potential client? Do you know what a CRM is, or how to implement one into your business? Do you understand a financial statement, or how to properly estimate your quarterly taxes? What about maximizing each step in the customer journey? Most importantly, do you have anyone in your life that give you guidance when you hit a roadblock in the studio? Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc.?
There is a lot to learn in this business. It can make you feel like you want to put your head through the wall just thinking about it, and I can’t blame you.
You put out high-quality work from your home studio, people tell you they like your work, your rates are reasonable, and you have a decent number of potential clients in your area…
But why the hell can’t you keep your schedule full with consistent work that pays well?
You’ve spent a countless amount of time, money, and effort improving your craft.
You're confident that your productions are solid and that you can make anybody you work for happy, so that's not where the issue is. However, you simply don't have clients.
You’ve probably seen other studios in your area who put out inferior work to you, but somehow they STILL get more clients than you.
All that’s left are the bands with terrible budgets who expect you to work for less than minimum wage.You’ve tried everything you can do, but you feel like you’re just pissing into the wind. How the hell is someone supposed to get out of this trap?
Well there’s another choice...
Choice B: Join The Profitable Producer Course
Although it sounds pretty overwhelming, this stuff can actually be simple. It’s not easy, but it is simple.
I map this stuff out in an ABC-123 type way. There are checklists, detailed guides, worksheets, and email templates.
A program that incentivizes you to take action, gives you everything you need to make a massive difference in your business, and sets you up for success for the long haul.
Ready To Enroll?

100% Satisfaction GUARANTEE
Sometimes the biggest struggle can simply be finding the courage to take that leap of faith and start doing this ‘for real’.
This is why I’m offering a two-part refund guarantee.
Part 1 - The Short-Term Guarantee: You have a full 14-day no-questions-asked guarantee. Join the course, poke around, watch the videos, and check out the worksheets. If it’s not everything you thought it was, you can get 100% of your money back by letting us know within 14 days.
Part 2 - The 12-Month ROI Guarantee: If you actually put in the work and don’t make a return on your investment with this course over the next 12 months, you get a full refund. This means if you implement what I teach in this course, you are guaranteed to make a return on your investment or you get back every penny you paid for this course.
Here's What The Students Had To Say...

Suff Studio
I’m going part time at my day job because this course has helped me fill my calendar with studio work so much that I will have to turn work away if I didn’t go part time. I think you have so much more of a chance of nailing the recording career if you do this course…

Brian, thanks for doing this whole course. I have a lot more free time to do things that I want to because of how much stuff I learned to automate from systems taught in this course. But the funny thing about myself having more free time is that I use it now to improve my studio's income.

Autonomic Studio
I'm 100% more confident with my business... Im getting more consistent business and pricing my services accurately, clients keep coming back and more keep coming in. They don't argue about cost because people now value my work.
I made back the money I spent plus i've had a stream of work coming in and am able to say a lot of that is because of the little things I put into place during the course.

Pitchblack Studio
This course is a life changer and I highly recommend it for every studio owner! I operated a six figure studio before taking the course, but now I have so much more free time and quality time due to the amazing business advices Brian gives here. I could not be more thankful for this.
Frequently Asked Questions
What If I don’t have the money?
What If I don’t have the money?
The entire goal of the Profitable Producer course is to help you find more clients and increase your income. If you take action on what you learn from this, you should have a return on the investment you make here.
One of the core tenets of The Six Figure Home Studio is to always add more value than we take. Meaning: I never want to take more value than I provide.
If you join this course, implement what I teach, and you don't get enough value out of it to justify the expense within 12 months, I’ll refund your money.
How many hours will this take each week?
How many hours will this take each week?
Once you join the course, you'll have access to the content for life. Take as much or as little time as you need. There is no "minimum" time for the main course content.
What if I only want to do this part time?
What if I only want to do this part time?
That is 100% ok with me. You’ll only want to join the PPC if you would like to work with better clients, charge more, or reduce the tedious business/administrative tasks. If you’re doing this part time, you may or may not want any of these things.
Do I have enough experience to join? I don’t feel like I’m at the right place to take this seriously.
Can’t I just figure this out on my own?
What If I don’t understand all the business jargon? It’s like learning a whole new language.
What If I just want to focus on the audio engineering or music?
I’m skeptical about this whole thing
What if things feel pretty hopeless right now? I'm not sure what more I need to be doing to get clients.